After our pitch we asked our audience (members of our class) what they thought of our pitch and concept. Responses were generally positive and we were provided with useful notes and feedback to improve or change our concept for our music video.
The questions asked were:
1) Does the concept work for you?
Responses to our primary question were very positive. The concept was described as 'original', 'good', 'funny', and that it 'fits well with the music and is easy to understand'. No members of our audience pointed out any fault with the concept.
2) Does our target audience match our music video concept?
Our audience profile was described as 'vague'. As a result we will better define our audience profile later on to potentially better match our concept. From feedback received we decided that our editing style would need to change to maintain interest from our viewers and our target audience.
3) Does our costume choice match our concept well?
We were concerned our first choice of costume of suits and balaclavas would be too entropic for the style of the video. We have since changed this costume choice, as our feedback gave us mixed responses. Some said that '[it would be] never too entropic, it will be funny' and 'it supports the concept', but others 'wouldn't look good if you were just walking the streets'.
4) Will the video be feasible? Are there any parts which you consider may be difficult?
Responses were generally positive and said that the video could be shot fairly easily however we would need to work on improving realism and authenticity by choosing film locations well.
5) Is our concept original?
Our concept primarily had solely narrative elements but we have since chosen to add performance elements in too. All responses back said the concept of the music video was original.
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